Treating Insect Bites ( Mengatasi Gigitan serangga )

Treating Insect Bites
Treating Insect Bites - Insect Bites are bite or insect attack. Insect bites often cause swelling, redness, pain (senut-senut), and itching. These reactions are normal arguably, even insect bites have ended within a few hours to days. Infants and children seem to be more susceptible to insect bites than adults.
Some examples of serious problems caused by the bite of an insect bite or attack didantaranya are:1. Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). This reaction is quite unusual, but can threaten kahidupan and require emergency care. Signs or symptoms are:• Surprised (shock). Where this could occur if the circulatory system is not getting enough blood to enter the vital organs (vital)• Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, had pain in the mouth or throat / throat• Swelling in the lips, tongue, ears, eyelids, palms, soles of the feet, and mucous membranes (angioedema)• Dizziness and chaotic• Nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain• Itching with hives and swellingThese symptoms can be followed by other symptoms of multiple reactions.2. Toxic reaction to the bite or a single attack of insects. Insects or spiders that cause this for example:• widow spiders (Widow) of black• recluse spiders (recluse) brown• hobo spider (hobo)• Scorpion3. Reaction to spider venom of the attacks, wasp, or fire ants.• A bee stinging in the back with a tool and die after stinging. African honeybees, the so-called killer bees, they are more aggressive than honey bees and most often attack together with significant amounts• Wasp, hornet and the yellow jacket (yellow jackets), can sting many times. The yellow jackets can cause allergic reactions are very much• The attack fire ants to a person by the bite of the jaw, then turned his head and stinging from his stomach with a plot twist and many times4. The width of skin reactions at the bite or attack.5. skin infection at the bite or attack.6. Disease serum (blood), a reaction to the treatment (antiserum) used to treat insect bites or attacks. Serum disease causes itching with red spots and swelling and flu-like symptoms accompanied by seven to fourteen days after the use of anti-serum.7. Virus infection. Infection of mosquitoes can spread West Nile virus to someone, causing inflammation of the brain (encephalitis).8. Parasitic infections. Infection can cause the spread of malaria mosquitoes.
CauseInsects will not attack unless they digusar or harassed. Most bites and stings are used for defense. Insect bite to protect their nests.
A bite or sting can inject venom (poison) that is composed of proteins and other substances that may trigger an allergic reaction to the patient. Insect bites also cause redness and swelling at the sting site.Bees, wasps, hornet, yellow jacket's, and fire ants are Hymenoptera family members. Bites or stings from them can cause serious reactions in people allergic to them. Deaths caused by insects 3-4 times more frequently than the deaths caused by snake bites. Bees, wasps and fire ants vary in the sting.
Symptoms of Insect BitesSymptoms of insect bites vary and depends on a variety of factors that influence. Most insect bites, causing redness, swelling, pain, and itching around the area exposed to bites or insect stings. Exposed skin can be damaged and infected bites if the affected area was injured. If the wound is not treated, it could lead to acute inflammation. Itching with hives and swelling, wheezing, shortness of breath, fainting and dying in 30 minutes are symptoms of a reaction called anaphylaxis. This is also caused due to allergy to insect bites.
Itching with hives and swelling are the symptoms most frequently encountered. Most often these are treated at home with antihistamin.Jika bites lead to infection (redness with or without pus, high body temperature, fever, or redness in the body), go to dokter.Jika not known what was bite, it is very important to keep the bitten area to avoid infection. Call your doctor if there is an open wound, maybe that spider venom stings.
Someone who has a history of being bitten or stung by insects must go to the nearest hospital if you have other symptoms. Being of people with no history of biting insects also have to go to an emergency department if:1. Sigh2. Asphyxiate3. Chest tightness or pain4. Sore throat or difficulty speaking5. Faint or weak6. Infection
Personal insect bite treatment at home
Treatment depends on the type of reaction occurs. If only redness and pain in the bitten part, simply use ice as a treatment. Clean the affected area with soap and water to remove particles contaminated by insects (like mosquitoes). The particles can contaminate further if the wound is not cleaned.
Treatment may also use such diphenhidramin antihistamine (Benadryl) in the form of creams / ointments or pills. Calamine lotion can also help reduce itching.


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